Investing is personal and differs from an individual to another. There is no one size fits all approach. This is applicable when deciding the asset allocation across stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.
When it comes to stocks, curating an effective portfolio from the listed universe of 5000 stocks seems a daunting task. This is where we help you to make a portfolio.
Many investors aspire to identify good investment opportunities at an early stage. It is really a great experience to watch your conviction come true. We have been through this cycle many times and have made a formal model on how to identify such scrips. In our experience, identifying good opportunities is relatively easier, but waiting for sufficient time is a difficult task. Quick gratification is what most investors succumb to sooner or later. In order to sit on a good investment opportunity, building conviction is important. Through this portfolio consulting service, we share our experiences with you and help you build conviction for your portfolio.
How it Works?
Investment rationale: We assess the recommended stocks on 25+ qualitative and quantitative parameters. The investment rationale is based on these parameters and some macro industry-specific factors.
Stay updated: Once you finalize the companies you want to invest in, we note these down. We will intimate you, whenever there are any noteworthy updates in these companies
Reallocation: If your investee companies have any fundamental change, we recommend you to switch from that company and suggest an alternate company.
Product / Service offering
1.5% of asset under management + GST